Justice Roberts, we have a penalty in the ACA!

Why yes, it is a tax! Which is why I am no longer calling it Obamacare. It is now Obamatax. Obama wanted this law. He pushed for it in Congress. He made sure that Nancy and Harry guided it through the House and Senate with extra special care. You know, that loving “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it” taurusfimus from San Fran Nan. It has been called Obama’s signature piece of legislation; an appellation with which Obama is quite happy.

But nowhere in the Affordable Care Act is the word TAX even used. The bill is 2,800 pages long and it never once mentions the word tax! But Chief Justice John Roberts saw through that scam and called it what it was; a TAX. Fine, it’s the law of the land. It is also a tax. Now I want Obama to explain how a tax increase is not a tax increase. Remember Bush 41 and how he said no new taxes but then stepped in it by raising taxes anyway? In 2008, Obama said he would not raise taxes on anyone that made less than $250,000 per year. So he lied. And what is absolutely delicious is that Chief Justice John Roberts led the four liberals on the Supreme Court down the garden path. They went along happily, skipping, and hopping, and jumping, and singing, while they thought they just gave the conservatives a big bloody nose. But what happened was the four liberals on the Supreme Court, including the two Obama appointed, just called Obama a liar!

BWAHAhahahahahahahahaha! It’s a TAX!

A Plea for the Constitution

In 1787, during the Constitutional Convention, the delegates took up the exact wording of Article 1, Section 8. The original text read,

Congress shall have the power…to borrow money, and emit bills, on the credit of the United States.

The original clause, from the Articles of Confederation said,

The United States in Congress assembled shall have authority…to borrow money, or emit bills on the credit of the United States…

As you can see, the delegates believed that Congress needed the power to print paper money. Mostly because the Articles of Confederation did not give Congress the power to tax. However, during the constitutional convention, an objection arose over those three words, and emit bills. There was a motion to stike the words, it was seconded, and the discussion began.

Some delegates believed the words should stay because they could not foresee all possible circumstances. However, with the country going through the ravages of a paper money based economy, one delegate likened bills of credit to the Beast in Revelation. That got the attention of many other delegates.

But the best argument against bills of credit came from Gouverneur Morris of Pennsylvania. He said, “If the credit be good, a bill would not be necessary. If the credit be bad, a bill would not be accepted.” The argument was flawlessly logical and led to the vote on the motion to remove those three words. The vote, taken by states, was 9-2, in favor of the motion. The words and emit bills were struck from the Constitution. Congress was denied the power to print paper money through ommission of that power.

In 1884, the Supreme Court ruled in the case of Juilliard vs Greenman, that Congress did have the power to emit bills of credit. In direct violation of the convention, of the Third Article, which limits the power of the federal judiciary, and of the Fifth Article which explains how to amend the Constitution. Because of this decision, George Bancroft wrote A Plea for the Constitution in 1886. If you don’t have it, get it and read it. As the preeminent American historian of the 19th century, Bancroft laid out how the Supreme Court overstepped their bounds and handed down a decision that was as unconstitutional as the bills of credit it allowed.

We now have the decision on Obamacare. The court has upheld this horrendous “law” as constitutional. Our Plea for the Constitution was not heard. Chief Justice Roberts was seduced by the dark side and voted with the socialist koolaidians. But there is a silver lining here. The court found it constitutional as a tax. And there’s no way to pay for this monstrosity by taxing the 50% of Americans that pay taxes. And it also means that everyone’s taxes just jumped by about $5000 per year.

My answer is simple. Governor Romney holds a press conference and says, “Obama has granted thousands of waivers, for his friends, so they don’t have to comply with his own healthcare law. Well, if I’m elected, I’ll grant a blanket waiver to 300 million of my closest friends!”

With everyone getting a waiver, the law is unenforceable and will be rendered useless. Because there will be no reason to keep the law, there won’t be a fight over it’s repeal; it can just happen.

Notes for douchebags

This just proves that, once again, Starbucks is run by a bunch of typical nose-in-the-clouds douchebags. Read the text in the photo to the right. Berry and Dark Cherry notes? What the hell does that mean? IT’S COFFEE! Stop treating it like it’s some expensive bottle of wine. And by the way, even expensive bottles of wine are produced by douchebags. And sometimes the cheap wines are the best.

So now Starbucks is trying to treat its coffee as though you can taste the different flavors, uh…“notes” in it. No you can’t! And if you say you can, you’ve just bought into the entire douchebagginess of advertising beverages. Besides, I thought most customers of Starbucks are liberals that go around spewing the awful nature of advertising and consumerism. I guess that doesn’t apply to what they buy.

An Apple a day keeps real employment at bay

I’ve always believed that the people that worked in the Apple “Genius” stores were anything but genuis. This pretty much proves it. According to the story, working at the Apple Store…

…has become one of the favorite “McJobs” in our economy for hip college graduates.

Remember in 2003 and 2004 when the unemployment rate was going down under President Bush and the Enemedia™ was calling the new jobs “McJobs” but using a very derogatory tone? I sure do. I guess McJobs are bad in a free economy (Bush) but teriffic in a socialist economy (Obama).

Anyway, back to the story.

Apple picks a small percentage of lucky candidates from the stack, which are submitted online, of course, through Apple’s web site. The company screens for “affability” and “self-directedness,” not tech savvy: The latter can be learned; the former is innate. Then Apple invites everyone to a “seminar” in a conference room at a hotel. If you’re a few minutes late, you’re eliminated.

The people who are offered jobs are often so happy that they burst into tears. (Emphasis mine.)

There are only two reasons for that type of response. They love Apple and its products so much they just can’t believe how lucky they are to work for their god. Or, being just out of college, with unemployment at 23% and no prospects for a real job, they just can’t believe they got any job in the Obama economy.

While I’m sure together they probably had a group orgasm at learning they would be working for Apple, I’m going with the second reason. There are a lot of parents that are telling their children to stay in college because there are no jobs. Actually, there are. In North Dakota. In the oil industry. It’s just that you need an engineering degree to get a good job there, not a fill-in-the-blank-studies degree that most liberals get.

And even if Romney gets elected, it will still be tough. The Bush tax cuts are set to expire in 2013 so that will have to be the first order of business for the new administration. Make them permanent and cut them again the following year. Maybe one or two percent a year for four years. That will do wonders for our economy. But they’ll have to cut government spending, too. The EPA and the Department of Education can hit the chopping block. And stop printing federal reserve paper; Obama has already done enough of that to last this country a decade or more. Then just sit back and watch the unemployment rate drop.

Little Debby

No, not WhatsHisName-Shitz. This is Tropical Storm Debby. The problem is that the weather models don’t agree. One says it will head West further into the Gulf of Mexico while the other says it will continue North and slightly East. In other words, weather and climate models have about a 50% accuracy rate — which is the exact same rate of probability if you just took a guess.

With Debby’s formation in the Gulf of Mexico on Saturday, this marks the first time in recorded weather history that four named tropical storms have formed in the Atlantic before the end of June, according to AccuWeather meteorologist Kristina Pydynowski. (Emphasis mine.)

And it starts! Yes, we will now be told, and told, and told, and told, that this is the first time in recorded history that four named tropical storms have formed in the Atlantic before the end of June, the global warming/climate change advocate said breathlessly!

And next year, there will only be one named tropical storm before the end of June, except we won’t hear anything about how that number dropped from the previous year as the koolaidians invoked the name of Mother Gaia to stop the evil humans and their evil ways from detroying the planet.

As opposed to Mother Gaia destroying the planet herself.

Sputnik moment, revisited

Posted by Stranded in Sonoma

I wrote this comment on a site just after Ofailure said we need a Sputnik moment. What a schnook. Here are the facts about the Sputnik and Explorer spacecraft and other socialist junk versus the excellent equipment created by freedom.

Socialists have to be first, not best. It’s part and parcel of the propaganda. Remember the Soviet space program?

Sputnik 1 was the first artificial satellite, but complete garbage. It died in about 20 days because it used dry cell batteries and gave no meaningful scientific data except in the negative. Read this from Wikipedia:

1) Apart from its value as a technological first, Sputnik also helped to identify the upper atmospheric layer’s density, through measuring the satellite’s orbital changes. 2) It also provided data on radio-signal distribution in the ionosphere. 3) Pressurized nitrogen in the satellite’s body provided the first opportunity for meteoroid detection. If a meteoroid penetrated the satellite’s outer hull, it would be detected by the temperature data sent back to Earth.

Let’s go through those. 1) So if it’s orbit didn’t change then nothing would be found. Dumb. 2) Maybe. You can bounce radio signals from the Earth through the ionosphere and get pretty much the same info. 3) IF…a meteroid penetrated the satellite. What if the skin was too thick to allow penetration by smaller particles that might be significant scientifically? Ooops! And it had to penetrate the satellite’s hull! What if a meteroid penetrated the hull and caused the orbit to change? Wouldn’t that screw up the first test of checking the atmospheric density? Wouldn’t an external grid be a better way to test for these impacts? If there was no penetration, there was no data. Once again, just typical socialist crap.

Vostok 1 was the first manned satellite to orbit the Earth but the spacecraft was so crappy, it didn’t have it’s own parachute; the pilot, Yuri Gagarin, had to eject and parachute to safety, in violation of the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale rules which stated the pilot had to take off and land with his craft. So, according to the rules, Gagarin was NOT first. But the socialist French overlooked that and gave him the record anyway.

The first space walk, again by the Soviets and a near disaster. The cosmonaut, Alexey Leonov, almost didn’t get out of the craft. They had to deflate his pressure suit to get out and then it was reinflated per normal use. But when he tried to get back in, he couldn’t and they had to deflate it again, but this time it was deflated to almost zero pressure because he couldn’t fit through the hatch. It damn near killed him.

Now, let’s put these three up against the effort of the United States.

Here is the Explorer 1 info, again from Wikipedia:

The scientific instrumentation of Explorer 1 was designed and built under the direction of Dr. James Van Allen of the University of Iowa containing:

Anton 314 omnidirectional Geiger-Müller tube, designed by Dr. George Ludwig of Iowa’s Cosmic Ray Laboratory, to detect cosmic rays. It could detect protons with E > 30 MeV and electrons with E > 3 MeV. Most of the time the instrument was saturated;

Five temperature sensors (one internal, three external and one on the nose cone);

Acoustic detector (crystal transducer and solid-state amplifier) to detect micrometeorite (cosmic dust) impacts. It responded to micrometeorite impacts on the spacecraft skin in such way that each impact would be a function of mass and velocity. Its effective area was 0.075 m2 and the average threshold sensitivity was 2.5 × 10−3 g cm/s;

Wire grid detector, also to detect micrometeorite impacts. It consisted of 12 parallel connected cards mounted in a fiberglass supporting ring. Each card was wound with two layers of enameled nickel alloy wire with a diameter of 17 µm (21 µm with the enamel insulation included) in such way that a total area of 1 cm by 1 cm was completely covered. If a micrometeorite of about 10 µm impacted, it would fracture the wire, destroy the electrical connection, and thus record the event.

Electrical power was provided by mercury chemical batteries as opposed to the dry cells used in Sputnik. This from Wikipedia again:

Mercury batteries powered the high-power transmitter for 31 days and the low-power transmitter for 105 days. Explorer 1 stopped transmission of data on May 23, 1958 when its batteries died, but remained in orbit for more than 12 years. It reentered the atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean on March 31, 1970 after more than 58,000 orbits.

Please don’t tell me you think Sputnik had any scientific impact compared to Explorer. Also, Explorer 1 found the Van Allen radiation belts. What did Sputnik find? That socialist crap burns up in the atmosphere just like good American spacecraft. Big deal.

The Mecury spacecraft was much better than Vostok. Not the least of which was it had it’s own parachute to allow for a safe landing. The pilot didn’t need to exit the spacecraft unnecessarily while it was hurtling through the atmosphere at thousands of miles per hour, as with Vostok.

When Ed White became the first American to walk in space during his Gemini 4 flight with Jim McDivitt, there was no issue with pressurization. The only problem was that the hatch was momentarily stuck. The pilots got it unstuck in short order and everthing went fine.

Technology produced by socialism — unmitigated shit. Technology producted by freedom — the best in the world. Or even out of this world!  


Amendment the First

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Freedom of Speech.

We are taught about that freedom when we first learn to understand what it means to speak. It is what makes our country unique. Citizens of a country that are free to criticize their government any time they so choose. Other countries can’t. Some countries allow a watered-down version so their subjects think they are allowed to speak freely.

Asked about the importance of free speech, Dean Steacy, one of the Canadian Human Rights Commission’s lead investigators, actually said, “Freedom of speech is an American concept, so I don’t give it any value.”

Canada. Canada, for goodness sakes! You would actually think they would have more sense than that. But what do you expect from someone on a “Human Rights Commission.” They are notorious for upholding anything but human rights.

Yet here in the United States, we can pretty much say whatever we want, whenever we want, wherever we want. There are exceptions of course. Yelling fire in a crowded movie house — or yelling movie in a crowded fire house. Take your pick. The Supreme Court has ruled that all political speech is protected. If you don’t like your elected representatives, you are free to voice your displeasure. As long as you don’t use “fighting words.” Whatever that means, I am not sure. I would suspect that would be up to a jury to determine as to what words would incite someone to violence.

Even with those few restrictions, you are free to speak your mind. About anything you like. This is my blog and I am free to trash Obama and his administration as the most corrupt, useless, socialist, presidency that this country has seen in its 236 year history. You may not feel the same. Start you own blog and have at it. You have freedom of speech.

But all is not right in AmericaLand. Now we have political correctness and hate speech. If you say something that someone else finds offensive, you can be labeled a fill-in-the-blank-ophobe, and that metaphorical nazi tattoo will remain with you for life. How could it be otherwise in today’s internet information age?

What these speech nazis don’t understand is the true meaning of free speech. The first amendment is not there to protect speech we like. Its purpose is to protect speech we don’t like. Think about it. If everyone liked everything that everyone else said, we wouldn’t need free speech protection. Everyone would be happy and be in agreement with what you say. And you would agree with them. Unfortunately, for the policitally correct crowd, I am not in agreement with everything they say and I’m sure they don’t want to cozy-up to me while I go into a long dissertation about free market economies and gun rights.

One of my favorite free speech moments came at my niece’s graduation ceremony from the University of California at Berkeley. The koolaidian english teacher was at the lectern bloviating about the greatness of Cal and how the free speech movement started there! Really?! I always thought the free speech movement started in Philadelphia on July 4, 1776 — but I’d have to check my notes.

So why am I writing this? Because the speech nazis want to stop you from speaking. They want you to say and think only what they say and think. If you disagree with them, you immediately get one of their hate labels. Even though they are the ones that hate. They hate you and me and anything you or I say. Because we speak the truth. And there is nothing a socialist or nazi or the politically correct hates more than you speaking the truth. Because someone else might hear it and then they might do the second most feared thing by socialists, nazis, or the politically correct; that person might think. And if they do, then they will do the third most feared thing; they will ask questions. And if that person cannot get satisfactory answers to those questions, they will investigate and answer their questions themselves. And when that happens, the liberal ideology crumbles. Because the biggest threat to socialism is freedom. Freedom to think, freedom to question, freedom to determine, freedom to speak.

Let freedom ring.

Mandate, not man-date

We are talking about Obama so there is a chance it’s the second word and not the first. Alas, we are talking about the first word.

I am really starting to get irritated with the schnooks that are harping about Obama’s accomplishments. What accomplishments?

When Obama was elected in 2008, the people did so with the firm edict of “fix the economy.” That was all; just fix the economy. He was not elected to play golf. He was not elected to appoint un-senatorially-approved czars. He was not elected to make the economy worse. The democrats had control of the House and Senate and with the Obama win, they had the big three. The democrats kept talking about “Obama’s Mandate.” As though his election meant something more than just “fix the economy.” It didn’t. All we wanted was for the economy to get better.

In 1980, when Ronald Reagan mopped the floor with Jimmy Carter, he had a mandate too. It was the same as Obama’s twenty-eight years later: fix the economy. In 1980, both inflation and unemployment were in double-digits. By the time of Reagan’s re-election in 1984, both were in single digits and still headed downward. So it can be done. And Reagan did it with a democrat controlled House and Senate. Then why doesn’t Obama just do it?

Isn’t that the question you should be asking yourself in the voting booth come November 6th? If it’s not, then why not? With unemployment at 23%, what could be more important than the economy? Nothing. Nothing.

Actual unemployment numbers graph provided by Shadow Government Statistics.

Hoax and Chains

From Conservative Daily News

If you were a socialist or even a communist looking to overthrow the United States government, what would you do?

You might:

1. Run a candidate for president with an obscure background.

2. Select a candidate whose race deflects criticism from his socialist positions.

3. Make sure that the candidate is eloquent and articulate, but unable to think or speak “off-teleprompter.”

Go here to see the enitre article. It is peppered with links to great articles that prove Obama is a socialist and his fundamental transformation means nothing more than Marxism.

As the article says: The key to understanding the international socialist agenda is that it is incremental, systematic, and intentional.


Photo Credit: Phillymag.com
Photo Credit: Phillymag.com

Here is a photo of some diverse, inclusive, tolerant, left-wing demmorhoids at the White House. They were invited by Barack Obama as part of the Gay Pride Reception. Notice that the two on either end are flipping off the portrait of President Reagan.

I wonder what would happen if I went to San Francisco City Hall and took my picture under the portrait of Harvey Milk while I was flipping him off? Oh! But that would be insensitive and homophobic!

No, it would not. Just like those two above, it would be my First Amendment Right to Free Speech. Besides, I thought we were supposed to be respectful of the president? Oh, that only applies if the “president” is a socialist.

My creepy meter just pegged

Former Penn State defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky is being prosecuted for alledged sexual misconduct with minors. According to prosecutors, there are eight victims that have come forward to say Sandusky had anal sex with them while they were minors.

On an episode of Rock Center with Brian Williams, Sandusky was interviewed by NBC Sports host Bob Costas. Questions were asked and Sandusky answered them and many believed the session was live. It was not; it was a taped interview. Some of the questions and answers were left on the cutting-room floor and never aired by NBC. Now, while I have many grievances about NBC, I do not know their editing policy and this is not the time and place for that debate. What I do know is that prosecutors in the case have requested that unshown portions of the interview be allowed to be entered as evidence in the trial.

One of the questions and answers that was aired was this. Costas asked Sandusky directly if he had molested the victims. Sandusky answered:

I’m a very passionate person in terms of trying to make a difference in the lives of some young people,” Sandusky said in the interview. “I worked very hard to try to connect with them. To make them feel good about themselves. To be something significant in their lives. Maybe this gets misinterpreted, has gotten depending on…I know a lot of young people where it hasn’t. I have worked with many, many young people where there has been no misinterpretation of my actions and I have made a very significant difference in their lives.

What’s so creepy about that? Well, here’s the follow-up exchange that NBC did NOT air.

Costas: “But isn’t what you’re just describing the classic MO of many pedophiles?” he asked. “And that is that they gain the trust of young people, they don’t necessarily abuse every young person. [snip] So it’s entirely possible that you could’ve helped young boy A in some way that was not objectionable while horribly taking advantage of young boy[s] B, C, D and E. Isn’t that possible?”

Make sure you’re not holding something breakable or anything that can be used as a weapon, because your creepy meter is about to be pegged.

Sandusky: “I didn’t go around seeking out every young person for sexual needs that I’ve helped.”


Not every young person that I helped for sexual needs?

Deep breath, John. Calm down. Say what you want to say clearly.

In American Jurisprudence, there is an axiom that evidence is filtered through how a reasonable person might construe the evidence. If you see a car pull up to a bank, the passenger gets out with an empty pillowcase and runs inside, then a few minutes later he runs back out of the bank with a full pillowcase, jumps in the car and speeds away, you’d think you just saw a robbery. For all you know, the guy just picked up his wife’s laundry that she accidentally brought to work. But a reasonable person would say, “Investigate that! I just saw a robbery.”

“I didn’t go around seeking out every young person for sexual needs that I’ve helped.”

Any reasonable person would hear that and say it means that not every young person was molested but that some were. In essence, it is an admission and confession.

Now, defense attorneys have said that Sandusky suffers from histrionic personality disorder, a rare psychiatric illness. Why is it when these creeps finally indict themselves, they end up with a rare illness? Has the defense legal playbook become that obvious?

Sandusky is guilty. He just said so. Case closed.

Following Fred Thompson

I have no idea who is writing this stuff for Fred Thompson, but it’s great!

Link One
Link Two
Link Three

My favorites are:

I’m on Fox w/Greta tonight to explain who’s to blame for economy. Looks like George Bush is going to have a hard time getting elected.

Fmr DNC Chair Dean: “I don’t know what the Republicans want, but let them go someplace else.” Ok. How about the White House?

You should follow @FredThompson, too. Start your day off with a laugh and a Hmmmm?!

The Real Velvet Revolution

In 1968, the people of Czechoslovakia were demanding more freedoms from their communist government. The government, realizing that an uprising could occur, began by implementing a more relaxed attitude toward freedom of the press. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics saw the freedom and acted. On August 21, 1968 the USSR sent tanks and troops into the city of Prague. They claimed the socialist government of Czechoslovakia asked them to, but only the useful idiots in the west actually believed that. The government of Czechoslovakia instituted the freedoms so why would they call in Soviet troops to stop something they wanted and started?

The leaders of the reform movement were taken to Moscow for “negotiations” and forced to sign the Moscow Protocol which re-instituted controls over the media and rolled back the reforms.

The following is from the real Velvet Revolution website.

On November 19, 1989, the people of Prague, in the former state of Czechoslovakia, gathered to commemorate a massacre of Czech students by Nazi Germany fifty years earlier. By the end of the day, the gathering turned into a demonstration against a ruling Communist government that had begun massacring Czechs and Slovaks from virtually the moment the Nazis were booted out. By December 29, 1989, without a shot fired, the protesters had driven out their Communist masters, electing poet, playwright, and political prisoner Vaclav Havel as interim President. This peaceful revolt by a peaceful people against their Stalinist puppet government became known as the “Velvet Revolution”.

Now, convicted terrorist bomber Brett Kimberlin is using the term Velvet Revolution to describe what he is doing. But what he is doing is the exact opposite of what the people of Czechoslovakia did to win their freedom. Kimberlin is using the ineptitude of the faceless bureaucracy of the American justice system to put a muzzle on his decractors. Basically, he is using the type of tacticts the Soviets used to kill off the 1968 Czechoslovakian uprising.

It is true that no one has a copyright on the term Velvet Revolution. However, we can do something about it. Make the real Velvet Revolution website one of your homepage tabs. This way, whenever you start your browser, it will show a hit on the page. After about 6 months of this with, hopefully, a few thousand people doing it, we may get over one million hits on the site! That may help to send Brett Kimberlin’s page down to the bottom of the Google stats. Link to the real page on Facebook, make a comment on Twitter, put it on your blogroll. I have. If you can’t do these, just visit it daily.

This is what is meant by a real Velvet Revolution.


Matt Cain, right handed pitcher for the San Franciso Giants threw a no-hitter last night against the Houston Astros! Cain is the elder statesman of the Giants having been with the team since 2005, the longest of any current Giant player.

But this wasn’t just any no-hitter. This was a perfect game! Not one Astro batter reached first base. The reason this is historic is because it is the first perfect game thrown by a Giant pitcher, in the 129 year history of the club! Even the umpires knew it was special.

It took some outstanding defense in the 7th and 9th innings to secure the win. In the 7th inning, right fielder Gregor Blanco made a diving catch on a deep ball hit to the warning track in Triples Alley. In the 9th inning, Third Baseman Joaquin Arias handled a tough ground ball and made a great throw across the diamond for the final out. One of the best outs was the third out in the 7th inning. Astro shortstop Jed Lowrie, batting left handed, swung and missed on the third strike, lost the grip on his bat and it landed to the left of home, then he spun 180 degrees and gave home-plate umpire Ted Barrett a high-five! You can see all 27 outs here.

Cain got 14 strikeouts, 7 swinging and 7 caught looking, to match the previous strikeout total in a perfect game by Sandy Kofax. Congratulations, Matt! I can’t think of a pitcher more deserving of a no-hit perfect game. And thank you for the memories!